Village In The City call #7: The Chatty Cafe Scheme with Jenny Bimpson

Join us to talk with about the Chatty Cafe Scheme and how it can be a great way to offer people connection and community.

Loneliness is a problem facing many people around the world. Particularly in cities and urban contexts, it’s so easy to be surrounded by people and yet feel unconnected and peripheral.

This month on Village In The City our guest is Jenny Bimpson, one of the key organisers behind the Chatty Cafe Scheme. It’s so simple – cafe and pub owners are invited to designate a ‘Chatter & Natter’ table where folk are invited to sit if they want to talk. From small beginnings in the UK the scheme has gone international! It is also running online chatty tables during the pandemic.

We will be talking to Jenny about how it all started, their experience of getting people engaged, both as hosts and as natterers, and how it can help in the development of micro-local community and connection.

Join us on Wednesday 13 January at 4pm UK time. Free, just register on Eventbrite to be sent the call link.

Registration link: Village In The City call #7: The Chatty Cafe Scheme with Jenny Bimpson Tickets, Wed 13 Jan 2021 at 16:00 | Eventbrite


Jan 13 2021


4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

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Village In The City is a post-COVID initiative to help you build micro-local communications and communities where YOU live.

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